Founded in 2004, Morgan Pack is a spe­cial­ized pack­ag­ing com­pany based in Hong Kong. Our busi­ness started off by sourc­ing pack­ing prod­ucts for var­i­ous clients around Eu­rope which quickly turned into a full scale busi­ness model. From our of­fices in Hong Kong we grew to in­clude the en­tire pro­duc­tion process from de­sign to fi­nal de­liv­ery.

To­day, we di­rectly op­er­ate two sep­a­rate pro­duc­tion facilities in Dong­guan, Main­land China and em­ploy over 600 peo­ple. This lo­gis­ti­cal set up al­lows to fully ben­e­fit from the dis­tri­b­u­tion hub of Hong Kong and the pro­duc­tion ef­fi­ciency of our fac­to­ries. Over the past 5 years we made link­ing our qual­ity pro­duc­tion to a strong global dis­tri­b­u­tion our core drive.

We've built a ro­bust lo­cal know-how to best ac­com­mo­date the grow­ing needs of our part­ners. None of these achieve­ments would have been pos­si­ble with­out the daily perseverence of our multi-cul­tural team. Bridg­ing the cul­tural gap is of­ten a chal­lenge for in­ter­na­tional com­pa­nies seek­ing Chi­nese sup­ply. How­ever with our ded­i­cated work force and in­ter­na­tional top management we have nar­rowed these dif­fer­ences so that our clients never get lost in trans­la­tion. It comes to no sur­prise that Calvin Klein, Chris­t­ian Lacroix or even Kenzo have trusted us with their pack­ag­ing.

Quality management systems ISO 9001:2015